Sunday, July 29, 2012

C# . net [dot net] Framwork UNIT 1 NOTES INTRODUCTION TO C#

C# . net [dot net] Framwork

unit 1 notes


CLR and JIT compiling :

         C#, like Java, is executed indirectly through an abstract computer architecture called the CLR.
        CLR => Common Language Runtime.
        Abstract, but well defined.
         C# programs are compiled to an IL.
        Also called MSIL, CIL (Common Intermediate Language) or bytecode.   

         The CLR transforms the CIL to assembly instructions for a particular hardware architecture.
        This is termed jit’ing or Just-in-time compiling.
        Some initial performance cost, but the jitted code is cached for further execution.
        The CLR can target the specific architecture in which the code is executing, so some performance gains are possible.
         All .NET languages compile to the same CIL.
         Each language actually uses only a subset of the CIL.
         The least-common denominator is the Common Language Specification (CLS).
         So, if you want to use your C# components in Visual Basic you need to program to the CLS.

CLR versus CLI :

         CLR is actually an implementation by Microsoft of the CLI (Common Language Infrastructure) .
         CLI is an open specification.
         CLR is really a platform specific implementation.

The CLR Architecture :

Common Language Infrastructure :

•         CLI allows for cross-language development.
•         Four components:
–        Common Type System (CTS)
–        Meta-data in a language agnostic fashion.
–        Common Language Specification – behaviors that all languages need to follow.
–        A Virtual Execution System (VES).

Common Type System (CTS) :

         A specification for how types are defined and how they behave.
        no syntax specified
         A type can contain zero or more members:
         CTS also specifies the rules for visibility and access to members of a type:
        Family and Assembly
        Family or Assembly
         Other rules
        Object life-time
        Equality (through System.Object)
         Languages often define aliases
         For example
        CTS defines System.Int32 – 4 byte integer
        C# defines int as an alias of System.Int32
        C# aliases System.String as string.

Common Language System :

•         A specification of language features
–        how methods may be called
–        when constructors are called
–        subset of the types in CTS which are allowed
•         For example
–        Code that takes UInt32 in a public method
–        UInt32 is not in the CLS
•         Can mark classes as CLS-compliant
–        not marked is assumed to mean not compliant.

CLS versus CLR  :

Built-in Types :

Blittable types :

         Most of these types are blittable, meaning their memory layout is consistent across languages and hence, support interoperability.
         The types bool, char, object and string are not and must be Marshaled when using these between languages.
         Single dimensional arrays of blittable types are also blittable.

Programming in C# Assemblies 

•         Code contained in files called “assemblies”
–        code and metadata
–        .exe or .dll as before
–        Executable needs a class with a “Main” method:
       public static void Main(string[] args)
–        types
       local: local assembly, not accessible by others
       shared: well-known location, can be GAC
       strong names: use crypto for signatures
–        then can add some versioning and trust        
PE executable file  :

Manifests and Assemblies  :

First C# Program :

using System;
namespace Test
class ExampleClass
   static void Main()
      System.Console.WriteLine("Hello, world!");

Constructions of Note :
–        like import in Java: bring in namespaces
–        disambiguation of names
–        like Internet hierarchical names and C++ naming
–        like in C++ or Java
–        single inheritance up to object
       static void Main()
–        Defines the entry point for an assembly.
–        Four different overloads – taking string arguments and returning int’s.
–        Takes a formatted string: “Composite Format”
–        Indexed elements: e.g., {0}
       can be used multiple times
       only evaluated once
–        {index [,alignment][:formatting]}


Memory Locations for Data

•         Identifier
–        Name
–        Rules for creating an identifier
•         Combination of alphabetic characters (a-z and A-Z), numeric digits (0-9), and the underscore 
•         First character in the name may not be numeric
•         No embedded spaces – concatenate (append) words together
•         Keywords cannot be used
•         Use the case of the character to your advantage
•         Be descriptive with meaningful names

Reserved Words in C#

Naming Convention

•         For Class, method, namespace, and property identifiers
–        First letter of each word capitalized
•         For Variables and Objects
–        First letter of identifier lowercase; first letter of subsequent concatenated words capitalized
–        First letter of variable name indicates its data type (I –int, f –float, d – double, b – boolean (not used in text)
–         For Constant Literals
–        All letters of identifier in upper case
–        Underscore between words of identifier name


•         Area in computer memory where a value of a particular data type can be stored
–        Declare a variable
–        Allocate memory
•         Syntax – Simple Declaration
–        type identifier; e.g.:   
–        double dTotSales;
•         Syntax – Declaration &Compile-time initialization
–        type identifier = expression; e.g.
–        double dTaxRate = .125;  

Types, Classes, and Objects

•         Type
–        C# has more than one type of number
–        int type is a whole number
–        floating-point types can have a fractional portion
•         Types are actually implemented through classes
–        One-to-one correspondence between a class and a type
–        Simple data type such as int, implemented as a class 

•         Instance of a class → object
•         A class includes more than just data
•         Encapsulation → packaging of data and behaviors into a single or unit→class

Type, Class, and Object Examples 

Predefined Data Types

•         Common Type System (CTS)
•         Divided into two major categories

Figure 3-1 .NET common types

Value and Reference Types

Figure 3-2 Memory representation for value and reference types

Value Types
•         Fundamental or primitive data types

Figure 3-3 Value type hierarchy

Integral Data Types

•         Primary difference
–        How much storage is needed
–        Whether a negative value can be stored

Floating-point Types

•         May be in scientific notation with an exponent

–        3.2e+5 is equivalent to 320,000          
–        1.76e-3 is equivalent to .00176 
•         OR in standard decimal notation
•         Default type is double  

Examples of Floating-point Declarations

double extraPerson = 3.50;     // extraPerson originally set
                                                // to 3.50
double averageScore = 70.0;  // averageScore originally set
                                                // to 70.0
double priceOfTicket;            // cost of a movie ticket
double gradePointAverage;    // grade point average
float totalAmount = 23.57f;   // note the f must be placed after               
                                               // the value for float types
Decimal Types

•         Monetary data items
•         As with the float, must attach the suffix ‘m’ or ‘M’ onto the end of a number to indicate decimal

–        Float attach ‘f’ or “F’
•         Examples
decimal endowmentAmount = 33897698.26M;
decimal deficit;

Boolean Variables

•         Based on true/false, on/off logic
•         Boolean type in C# → bool
•         Does not accept integer values such as 0, 1, or -1
bool undergraduateStudent;
bool moreData = true;      


•         Reference type
•         Represents a string of Unicode characters
string studentName;
string courseName = "Programming I";
string twoLines = “Line1\nLine2”;             
Making Data Constant

•         Add the keyword const to a declaration
•         Value cannot be changed 
•         Standard naming convention
•         Syntax
–        const type identifier = expression;
const double TAX_RATE = 0.0675; 
const int SPEED = 70;
const char HIGHEST_GRADE = ‘A’; 

Assignment Statements

•         Used to change the value of the variable
–        Assignment operator (=) 
•         Syntax
variable = expression;
•         Expression can be:
–        Another variable
–        Compatible literal value
–        Mathematical equation
–        Call to a method that returns a compatible value
–        Combination of one or more items in this list

Examples of Assignment Statements

double accountBalance, weight;
decimal amountOwed, deficitValue;
bool isFinished;

accountBalance = 4783.68;
weight = 1.7E-3;                  //scientific notation may be used
amountOwed = 3000.50m; // m or M must be suffixed to
                                            // decimal
deficitValue = -322888672.50M;

isFinished = false;      
int        count = 0, newValue = 25;
string aSaying, fileLocation;

aSaying = “First day of the rest of your life!\n ";
fileLocation = @”C:\CSharpProjects\Chapter2”;
// declared previously as a bool
count = newValue;

@ placed before a string literal signals that the characters inside the double quotation marks should be interpreted verbatim

Figure 3-5 Impact of assignment statement

Arithmetic Operations

•         Simplest form of an assignment statement
                        resultVariable = operand1 operator operand2;
•         Readability
–        Space before and after every operator 

+ Operator on a StringConcatenation

Fundamental Precedence Order of operators

•         Precedence order from high to low
               ( )                  - elements within parentheses
               *, /, %           - multiplicative
                  +, -             - additive
•         Computation proceeds from left to right (left associative) within each precedence category
•         Increment and Decrement Operations
–        Unary operator
                        num++;     // num = num + 1;                         
                        --value1;   // value = value – 1;
–        Preincrement/predecrement versus post                                 
int num = 30;
System.Console.WriteLine(num++);  // Displays 30
System.Console.WriteLine(num);      // Display 31
System.Console.WriteLine(--num); // Displays 30

Compound Operations

•         Accumulation
–        +=

Order of Operations

•         Parentheses () – above *, / and % in precedence

•         Associativity of operators
–        Left
–        Right

Mixed Expressions

•         Implicit type coercion
–        Changes int data type into a double
–        No implicit conversion from double to int

Figure 3-12 Syntax error generated for assigning a double to an int

         Explicit type coercion
        (type) expression
        examAverage = (exam1 + exam2 + exam3) / (double) count;

int value1 = 0, anotherNumber = 75;
double  value2 = 100.99, anotherDouble = 100;
value1 = (int) value2;      // value1 = 100
value2 = (double) anotherNumber;   // value2 = 75.0

Formatting Output

         You can format data by adding dollar signs, percent symbols, and/or commas to separate digits
         You can suppress leading zeros
         You can pad a value with special characters
        Place characters to the left or right of the significant digits
         Use format specifiers

Numeric Format Specifiers

Custom Numeric Format Specifiers

Formatting Output :

What is an Expression?

         The most basic expression consists of an operator, two operands and an assignment. The following is an example of an expression:
         int theResult = 1 + 2; In the above example the (+) operator is used to add two operands (1 and 2) together. The assignment operator (=) subsequently assigns the result of the addition to an integer variable namedtheResult. The operands could just have easily been variables or constants (or a mixture of each) instead of the actual numerical values used in the example.
         In the remainder of this chapter we will look at the various types of operators available in C#.

The Basic Assignment Operator

         We have already looked at the most basic of assignment operators, the = operator. This assignment operator simply assigns the result of an expression to a variable. In essence the = assignment operator takes two operands. The left hand operand is the variable to which a value is to be assigned and the right hand operand is the value to be assigned. The right hand operand is, more often than not, an expression which performs some type of arithmetic or logical evaluation. The following examples are all valid uses of the assignment operator:
         x = 10; // Assigns the value 10 to a variable named x x = y + z; // Assigns the result of variable y added to variable z to variable x x = y; // Assigns the value of variable y to variable x Assignment operators may also be chained to assign the same value to multiple variables. For example, the following code example assigns the value 20 to the x, y and z variables:
         int x, y, z; x = y = z = 20;

C# Arithmetic Operators

         C# provides a range of operators for the purpose of creating mathematical expressions. These operators primarily fall into the category of binary operators in that they take two operands. The exception is the unary negative operator (-) which serves to indicate that a value is negative rather than positive. This contrasts with the subtraction operator (-) which takes two operands (i.e. one value to be subtracted from another). For example:
         int x = -10; // Unary - operator used to assign -10 to a variable named x x = y - z; // Subtraction operator. Subtracts z from y

         Note that multiple operators may be used in a single expression.
         For example:
         x = y * 10 + z - 5 / 4; Whilst the above code is perfectly valid it is important to be aware that C# does not evaluate the expression from left to right or right to left, but rather in an order specified by the precedence of the various operators. Operator precedence is an important topic to understand since it impacts the result of a calculation and will be covered in detail the next section.

C# Operator Precedence

         When humans evaluate expressions, they usually do so starting at the left of the expression and working towards the right. For example, working from left to right we get a result of 300 from the following expression:
         10 + 20 * 10 = 300
         This is because we, as humans, add 10 to 20, resulting in 30 and then multiply that by 10 to arrive at 300. Ask C# to perform the same calculation and you get a very different answer:
         int x; x = 10 + 20 * 10; System.Console.WriteLine (x) The above code, when compiled and executed, will output the result 210.
         This is a direct result of operator precedence. C# has a set of rules that tell it in which order operators should be evaluated in an expression. Clearly, C# considers the multiplication operator (*) to be of a higher precedence than the addition (+) operator.
         Fortunately the precedence built into C# can be overridden by surrounding the lower priority section of an expression with parentheses. For example:
         int x; x = (10 + 20) * 10; System.Console.WriteLine (x) In the above example, the expression fragment enclosed in parentheses is evaluated before the higher precedence multiplication resulting in a value of 300.
         The following table outlines the C# operator precedence order from highest precedence to lowest:

Compound Assignment Operators

         C# provides a number of operators designed to combine an assignment with a mathematical or logical operation. These are primarily of use when performing an evaluation where the result is to be stored in one of the operands. For example, one might write an expression as follows:
         x = x + y; The above expression adds the value contained in variable x to the value contained in variable y and stores the result in variable x. This can be simplified using the addition compound assignment operator:
         x += y The above expression performs exactly the same task as x = x + y but saves the programmer some typing. 

 Comparison Operators:

         n addition to mathematical and assignment operators, C# also includes set of logical operators useful for performing comparisons. These operators all return a Boolean (booltrue or false result depending on the result of the comparison. These operators are binary in that they work with two operands.
         Comparison operators are most frequently used in constructing program flow control. For example an if statement may be constructed based on whether one value matches another:
         if (x == y) System.Console.WriteLine ("x is equal to y"); The result of a comparison may also be stored in a bool variable. For example, the following code will result in a true value being stored in the variable result:
         bool result; int x = 10; int y = 20; result = x < y;

Boolean Logical Operators

         Another set of operators which return boolean true and false values are the C# boolean logical operators. These operators both return boolean results and take boolean values as operands. The key operators are NOT (!), AND (&&), OR (||) and XOR (^).
         The NOT (!) operator simply inverts the current value of a boolean variable, or the result of an expression. For example, if a variable named flag is currently true, prefixing the variable with a '!' character will invert the value to be false:
         bool flag = true; //variable is true bool secondFlag; secondFlag = !flag; // secondFlag set to false The OR (||) operator returns true if one of its two operands evaluates to true, otherwise it returns false. For example, the following example evaluates to true because at least one of the expressions either side of the OR operator is true:
         if ((10 < 20) || (20 < 10)) System.Console.WriteLine("Expression is true"); The AND (&&) operator returns true only if both operands evaluate to be true. The following example will return false because only one of the two operand expressions evaluates to true:
         if ((10 < 20) && (20 < 10)) System.Console.WriteLine("Expression is true"); The XOR (^) operator returns true if one and only one of the two operands evaluates to true. For example, the following example will return true since only one operator evaluates to be true:
         if ((10 < 20) ^ (20 < 10)) System.Console.WriteLine("Expression is true"); If both operands evaluated to be true, or both were false the expression with return false.

The Ternary Operator

         C# uses something called a ternary operator to provide a shortcut way of making decisions. The syntax of the ternary operator is as follows:
         [condition] ? [true expression] : [false expression]
         The way this works is that [condition] is replaced with an expression that will return either true or false. If the result is true then the expression that replaces the [true expression] is evaluated. Conversely, if the result was false then the [false expression] is evaluated. Let's see this in action:
         int x = 10; int y = 20; System.Console.WriteLine( x > y ? x : y );

IF Loop

         The if statement is perhaps the most basic of flow control options available to the C# programmer. Programmers who are familiar with C, C++ or Java will immediately be comfortable using C# if statements.
         The basic syntax of C# if statement is as follows:
if (boolean expression) {
// C# code to be performed when expression evaluates to true here
            int x = 10; if ( x > 9 ) { System.Console.WriteLine ("x is greater than 9!"); }

Using if ... else .. Statements

if (boolean expression) {
// Code to be executed if expression is true
else {
// Code to be executed if expression is false
            int x = 10; if ( x > 9 ) { System.Console.WriteLine ("x is greater than 9!"); } else { System.Console.WriteLine ("x is less than 9!"); }

Using if ... else if .. Statements

            int x = 9; if (x == 10) { System.Console.WriteLine ("x is 10"); } else if (x == 9) { System.Console.WriteLine ("x is 9"); } else if (x == 8) { System.Console.WriteLine ("x is 8"); }

Using the switch Statement Syntax

switch (value)
            case constant:
case constant:

A switch Statement Example
            using System;
    using System.Text;
    class Hello {
    static void Main()
   string carModel;
   string carManufacturer;
   System.Console.Write ("Please Enter Your Vehicle Model: "); carModel = System.Console.ReadLine();
    switch (carModel) {
    case "Patriot":
    case "Liberty":
    case "Wrangler": carManufacturer = "Jeep"; break;
    case "Focus": carManufacturer = "Ford"; break;
    case "Corolla": carManufacturer = "Toyota"; break;
    default: carManufacturer = "unknown"; break;
   System.Console.Write("Manufacturer is " + carManufacturer);
    } }

For loop

int j = 10;
 for (int i=0; i<100; i++)
{ j += j; }
 System.Console.WriteLine ("j = " + j);

foreach Statement

         Iteration of arrays

public static void Main(string[] args) {
   foreach (string s in args) Console.WriteLine(s);

         Iteration of user-defined collections
foreach (Customer c in customers.OrderBy("name")) {
   if (c.Orders.Count != 0) {

while Loop

while (''condition'')
 { // C# statements go here }

int myCount = 0;
 while ( myCount < 100 )
 { myCount++; }

do ... while loops

do { // C# statements here }
while (''conditional expression'')

int i = 10;
do { i--; }
 while (i > 0) 

Parameter Arrays

         Can write “printf” style methods
        Type-safe, unlike C++
void printf(string fmt, params object[] args) {
   foreach (object x in args) {
printf("%s %i %i", str, int1, int2);

object[] args = new object[3];
args[0] = str;
args[1] = int1;
Args[2] = int2;
printf("%s %i %i", args);

Rectangular Arrays

This is the arrays datatype, most of us are familiar with. Rectangular arrays may be may be single-dimensional or multi-dimensional.
Declaring single dimenisonal arrays.
short[] shtEmpNo;
int[] intSalary;
Declaring single dimenisonal arrays.
            short[] shtEmpNo;
            int[] intSalary;

Declaring multi-dimenisonal arrays:
            // two-dimensional arrays of short
            short[,] shtEmpNo;
            // three-dimensional arrays of int
            int[,,] intSalary;                      
Rule: Element-type (int, short, long) Rank-specifiers ([], [,,]) Name (Arrays Name)
Array types are reference types, and so the declaration of an array variable merely sets aside space for the reference to the array. Array instances are actually created via array initializers and array creation expressions

Intialising Arrays :

            // 5 member single-dimensional arrays intialised
            short[] shtEmpNo = new short[5];
            // 3 member single-dimensional arrays           
            int[] intSlNo = new int[] {1, 2, 3};
            // 3*2 member two-dimensional arrays
            int[,] intCount = new int[,] {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}};
            // 1*3 member three-dimesional arrays.
            int[,,] intDec = new int[10, 20, 30];

Jagged Arrays

                    Jagged arrrays are nothing but arrays of arrays. This is very clear from the 'Declaration' sysnatx. See the [] appears more than once in the following declaration.

Declaring Jagged Arrays

// "jagged" array: array of (array of int)
int[][] j2;
// array of (array of (array of int))
int[][][] j3;
Rectangualr Arrays ~ Jagged Arrays

//single-dimensional rectangukar arrays
int[] r1 = new int[] {1, 2, 3};
//two-dimensional rectangualar arrays
int[,] r2 = new int[,] {{1, 2, 3}, {4, 5, 6}};
//three-dimesional rectangular arrays
int[,,] r3 = new int[10, 20, 30];
//"jagged" array: araay of(array of int)
int[][] j2 = new int[3][];
j2[0] = new int[] {1, 2, 3};                             
j2[1] = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6};
j2[2] = new int[] {1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9};


         Structures are basically value types. They are defined by using the struct keyword. You can access the variables inside a structure by creating an object of the structure. The only difference is that you don't have to use the syntax for creating an object from a class for structures. Listing 1 explains this concept clearly.
using System;
enum Employees:byte
  ok = 50,cancel = 100

struct Emp
  public Employees EM;
  public string id;

class Emptest
  public static void Main()
    Emp E;
    E.EM = Employees.cancel; = "002";


         Enumerations are a set of names for the corresponding numerical values.
enum Employees
 { OK; // CANCEL;

using System;
enum Employees

class Employeesenum
  public static void Display(Employees e)

      case Employees.Instructors:
        Console.WriteLine("You are an Instructor");

case Employees.Assistants:
        Console.WriteLine("You are one of the Assistants");

      case Employees.Counsellors:
        Console.WriteLine("You are a counsellor");



  public static void Main(String[] args)
    Employees emp;
    emp = Employees.Counsellors;


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