Sunday, July 22, 2012

CS1301 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING 2 marks 16 marks Question Bank

CS1301 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING                                            1

                                  QUESTION BANK

SUB  CODE  /  SUBJECT:    CS1301/SOFTWARE  ENGINEERING                         YEAR  /  SEM:  III  /  V


Part  A  (2  marks)

1.     What  is software engineering?
2.     What  is  Software?
3.     Write out the reasons for the Failure of Water Fall  Model.

4.     What  are the characteristics of the software?
5.     Define the terms  :
i.            Agility
ii.            Agile Team
6.     What  are the various categories of software?
7.     What  are the challenges  in  software?

8.     Define software process

9.     What are the fundamental activities of a software process? 10.What are the umbrella activities of a software process? 11.What are the merits of incremental model?

12.List the task regions in the Spiral model. 13.What are the drawbacks of spiral model? 14.What is System Engineering?

15.List the process maturity levels in SEIs CMM. 16.What is an effectors process?

17.Define the computer based system. 18.What does Verification represent? 19.What does Validation represent?

20.What  is the difference between the "Known  Risks" and  Predictable


21.What  are the steps  followed  in  testing?


Explain  iterative  waterfall  and  spiral  model  for  software  life cycle  and

various  activities in  each phase.
Explain  about  the incremental  model.

Explain in detail  about the software process.
Explain in detail  about the life cycle process.
Explain  Spiral  model and  win-win spiral  model in detail?


PART  A  (2  marks)

1.     What  is the use of CMM?
2.     Name the Evolutionary process  Models.
3.     What  are the Objectives of Requirement  Analysis?
4.     What  is  requirement  engineering?
5.     What  are the various types  of traceability in  software engineering?

6.     Define software prototyping.
7.     What  are the Requirements  Engineering  Process  Functions?
8.     What  are the benefits of prototyping?

9.     What are the prototyping approaches in software process? 10.What are the Difficulties in Elicitation?

11.What are the advantages of evolutionary prototyping? 12.What are the various Rapid prototyping techniques? 13.What is the use of User Interface prototyping? 14.What is System Modeling?

15.What  are the characteristics of SRS?

16.What are the objectives of Analysis modeling? 17.What is data modeling?

18.What is a data object? 19.What are attributes?

20.What  is  cardinality in  data modeling?

21.What does modality in data modeling indicates? 22.What is ERD?
23.What  is  DFD?

24.What does Level0 DFD represent? 25.What is a state transition diagram? 26.Define Data Dictionary.


Explain in detail  about  Functional  Modeling.
Explain in detail  about  Structural  Modeling.
Explain in detail  about data modeling.

Explain  about  rapid  prototyping  techniques.
Explain the prototyping  approaches in software process.


PART  A  (2  marks)

1.     What  are the elements  of Analysis  model?
2.     What  are the elements  of design  model?

3.     How the Architecture Design  can be represented?
4.     Define design  process.
5.     List the principles  of a software design.
6.     What  is the benefit  of modular design?
7.     What  is  a cohesive module?
8.     What  are the different  types of Cohesion?
9.     What  is  coupling?

10.What  are the various types  of coupling?

11.What are the common activities in design process? 12.What are the benefits of horizontal partitioning? 13.What is vertical partitioning?

14.What are the advantages of vertical partitioning? 15.What are the various elements of data design? 16.List the guidelines for data design.

17.Name the commonly used architectural styles. 18.What is Transform mapping?


Explain in detail  the design  concepts.
Explain the design  principles.
Explain the design  steps of the transform mapping.
Explain in detail  about the real  time systems.
Explain in detail  about  SCM.


PART  A  (2  marks)

What  is  a Real time system?

What  is  SCM?

What  is  SCI?

Define software testing?

Define Smoke Testing ?

CS1301 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING                                            4

6.     What  are the objectives  of testing?

7.     What are the testing principles the software engineer must apply while performing the software testing?

8.     Define White Box  Testing?
9.     What  are the two  levels of testing?

10.What are the various testing activities? 11.Write short note on black box testing. 12.What is equivalence partitioning? 13.What is Regression Testing?
14.What  is  a boundary value analysis?

15.What are the reasons behind to perform white box testing? 16.What is cyclomatic complexity?

17.How to compute the cyclomatic complexity? 18.Distinguish between verification and validation.

19.What are the various testing strategies for conventional software? 20.Write about drivers and stubs.

21.What  are the approaches of integration testing?

22.What are the advantages and disadvantages of big-bang? 23.What are the benefits of smoke testing?

24.What are the conditions exists after performing validation testing? 25.Distinguish between alpha and beta testing.
26.What  are the various types  of system testing?


Explain the types  of software testing.
Explain in detail  about  Black  box  testing.
Explain  about  the software testing  strategies.
Explain in detail  about  Integration testing.
Explain in detail  about system testing.


PART  A  (2  marks)
1.     Define debugging.
2.     What  are the common  approaches  in  debugging?

3.     Write about  the types of project  plan.

4.     Define measure.
5.     Define metrics.
6.     What  are the types  of metrics?
7.     What  are the advantages and  disadvantages  of size measure?

CS1301 SOFTWARE ENGINEERING                                            5

8.     Write short  note on  the various  estimation techniques.

9.     What is the Objective of Formal Technical Reviews? 10.What is COCOMO model?

11.Give the procedure of the Delphi method. 12.What is the purpose of timeline chart? 13.What is EVA?

14.What are the metrics computed during error tracking activity? 15.Why software change occurs?

16.Write about software change strategies. 17.Define CASE Tools.

18.What is software maintenance? 19.Define maintenance.

20.What are the types of software maintenance? 21.What is architectural evolution?

22.How the CASE tools are classified? 23.What are the types of static testing tools?

Part  B

Explain  about  software cost  estimation.
Explain in detail  about  COCOMO model.
Explain in detail  about  Delphi  Method.
Explain in detail  about software Maintenance.
Explain  about  CASE tools.


Hackerx Sasi
Don't ever give up.
Even when it seems impossible,
Something will always
pull you through.
The hardest times get even
worse when you lose hope.
As long as you believe you can do it, You can.

But When you give up,
You lose !
I DONT GIVE UP.....!!!

with regards
prem sasi kumar arivukalanjiam

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